Say YES to FREEDOM! Online Course
In the weeks ahead, I will cover the acronym I have developed for
Free to choose
Release and allow
Ease and flow
Eager and inspired
Deep Connection
Open to Receive
Manifest Desires
Who is this course for?
Anyone who desires to align with who you really are - A Soul having a human experience!
Anyone willing to give up old stories and beliefs that are no longer serving you.
Anyone wanting to learn techniques that can help you see things in a different and positive way.
What does the course look like?
Six weekly Google Meet calls - don't worry if you can't make the live calls. The replay will be available to you.
A private Facebook page for sharing experiences.
Materials that will be covered during the course.
What are the dates?​
The course will be held on Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00 pm from 1/6/21 - 2/10/21
What is the cost and is there a payment plan?
The course costs $270 for all 6 weeks and a private Facebook page
Or 3 payments of $90 paid prior to 2/10/21
Yes! Click here to register and see the payment options
Below is the course outline
Week #1: Free to Choose
Objective: You will learn how your thoughts create your reality
Topics covered:
Ego vs Essence (Spirit/Soul/Source Energy/Higher Power/God)
How/why your ego keeps you stuck
How connecting to your Essence (Spirit/Soul/Source Energy/Higher Power/God) is freeing
Law of attraction
Choosing better feeling thoughts
An experiment with the Universe
Week #2: Release and Allow
Objective: You will learn how to release resistance to allow what you truly want and desire
Topics covered:
Old belief systems and stories that no longer serve you
Fear based thinking - ego
Moving from Yeah But/What if? to Yes and what if!!!
Becoming Spiritually aligned with Essence (Spirit/Soul/Source Energy/Higher Power/God)
Week #3: Ease and Flow
Objective: Your will learn how to allow solutions to flow more easily
Topics covered:
Discover how feelings of frustration, overwhelm and anxiety affect your body and life
Line up with tasks before doing them
Learn to be in the present moment, where all solutions are found
Breathing techniques
Week #4: Eager and inspired
Objective: You will learn about Law of Attraction, inspired action and the emotional scale
Topics covered:
Soul-ution oriented
Holding space
Moving up the emotional scale
How Law of Attraction works
Using a thought record to help change negative thought patterns.
Practice seeing things the way you want them be
Week #5: Deep Connection
Objective: You will learn why it is so important to feel connected to ourselves and our Essence
(Spirit/Soul/Source Energy/Higher Power/God)
Topics covered:
Vibration and how it affects us and others
Tapping into who you really are
Empathy vs Compassion
Begin noticing when you are lowering your vibration
Week #6: Open to receive
Objective: You will learn the importance of being open to receive
Topics covered:
The need to feel like you have to give in order to receive
Nurturing yourself actually allows you to to have more to give
Why putting yourself first is a gift
Week #6 closing: Manifest Desires
Objective: Say YES to FREEDOM!
Topics covered:
By aligning with F.R.E.E.D.O. you will more easily M(anifest)
Focus on the WHY you want this, not the how - the Universe takes care of that.
Feelings boards/vision boards
Go forth and Manifest!
One individual consultation in person or online when you sign up for the course!